You can NEVER have to many lists

Posted: Sunday, May 8, 2011 by Barend in

As a great man once said, (Clarkson) a man can never have to many lists. And that got me thinking... I don't even have one. so I sprang to it like a mutant bunny on crack. The first thing I asked myself was, what will my list be about? I mean there is so many topics How could i ever choose just one?! Therefore I made a list of lists that I should list on this blog that you probably found on a list. This is the one I chose for today. ||| How To Be The Raddest Kid On The Block |||

1# Always rock a come-over.
2# Tuck your T-shirt into your jeans
3# Remember to refer to yourself in the third person
4# Excessively say "Dude" and "Sweet"  in the same sentence
5# Argue to death that crack is for medical purposes like curing the soul or something like that...
6# Drive your dad's flower powered mini van
7# and remember that the Mullet is the ultimate chick magnet... Yeah baby business in the font and party in the back...

To be the coolest kid on the block just follow these easy steps. The methods are a bit outdated by about 30 to 40 years but I can almost guarantee you that people will at least talk to you... maybe not to you but about you, which I would say is at least an improvement if actually thought this will work after you read the first step.

Long Time

Posted: Tuesday, May 3, 2011 by Barend in

It has almost been a year since I last wrote on this blog. I wish I could blame it on my studies but sadly it has nothing to do with that. everyday I think about some outrageous topic to write about and I get all exited about it, but as soon as I get home it is gone. To tell you the truth I am bored with the life I am living. Most of my classes bore me, and the only thing I look forward to everyday is to be with my Baby. This is NOT a funny post. This is not a sarcasm filled message. It is only to tell the world or at least my friends that I will be writing on my blog again. Funny things I promise, or at least I will try to be funny.

To all the people who support me.... Thanks for great friendships a Great family and an astonishing woman. and for all of those people I would like to award the seal of awesomeness. to everyone I know who had a influence on my life. You know who you are...

Seriously... You didn't expect me to write on the blog for the first time in a year and not award a seal? PFFFFFFF

Ai Chihuahua!!

Posted: Monday, May 10, 2010 by Barend in

For some reason people think that these inbred freaks of nature are the most adorable things in the world. With their tiny little bodies and abnormally large heads they have the ability to make jelly out of the hearts of most people. On a scale of intelligence the Border Collie breed is the most intelligent and obedient and the "lovely" Chihuahua is only 66 places behind in 67th. Now the question springs to mind... Why do people love them? They're stupid, unpractical and to be honest you could pretty much kill them when sitting down after a long day's work. I believe I've found the answer... Chihuahua's are actually mind controlling creatures created by an evil scientist in his own image. They will slowly crawl their way into everyone's homes and put them under their spell... They will kill you by taking a dump right in your mouth and no one will blame them if they don't die because they're to stupid to know better, right? WRONG!!! Soon everyone will be under the control of this evil scientist. But luckily I discovered this scientist by using facial recognition on these dogs and found that the evil mastermind is none other than... Mandark!!!! So open your eyes and see that chihuahua's are evil and not to be tampered with... look what happened to Paris... Who do you think is in control, the dog in the purse or the blond?
Look the even look alike... See the resemblance... Mandark and his twisted children.

The new face of awesome

Posted: by Barend in

Clarkson's face is now officially on the Official Seal Of Awesomeness. I was tempted to put Zuma's Face on but Icame to my senses when my alcohol level dropped below 25... Well I can't say that there will be anyone better than Clarkson to put on the seal and it is a honor as the admin of this blog to have his face on my site. Thanks to everyone who voted... We had a total of 13... wow... minus my 2 should also be brought into consideration. But nevertheless I still thank everyone for the support.

Jack Black!!!

Posted: Wednesday, May 5, 2010 by Barend in

Jack Black is an actor, musician and a comedian. I have long admired this short extatic man. I have given this some amount of fought and believe that he should be awarded with the Official Seal Of Awesomeness. Many peolple will disagree on this with me but just think about it. Have you noticed how popular and succesful this guy is? And his name is Jack Black... how fucking cool is that. Seriously with hais name allone he outclasses most actors (slash) singer. Now ask yourself this question: How awesome do you have to be to be a complete idiot and still be sucecful and loved at the same time? He has his own game's, movie's, CD's and all of them are pretty much at the same level. Pretty darn awesome. So to Jack Black I award the Official seal of Awesomeness. Take a bow Jack Black

A woman with a grudge... Like taking a crap.

Posted: Monday, May 3, 2010 by Barend in

It is amazing how long grudges can be held. Especially by women. Is it genetic or is it just the way they believe they have to act? I am not saying that all women hold grudges but it is a fact that the majority of women are more emotional than men and therefor scars WILL be made. Why is it never enough to admit that you were wrong and feel sorry for yourself (even if you pretend about feeling sorry for yourself.). And everyone out there be warned they appear to be cute and over it but a grudge held by a woman is like taking a crap. You push as hard as you can to get it out of your life and after its out of your system, and I know you feel relieved that big piece of shit is out of your life, you flush it down the toilet thinking that "That will be the last I see of you"  But don't think it's over because you never know when that water you flushed it down with will come back to you in a refined form in a bottle of water. As the saying goes "Hell have no fury like a woman's scourge". Peace

Malema jou leka Deng.

Posted: by Barend in

If you live in South Africa you are bound to know about this rampaging idiot Malema. If you do not, you have been living under a rock with the curtains shut and you probably believe that Borat is a alien genius sent from mars to assassinate Bush. This man has been making a fool out of himself for the past year. He has even gone so far to the dark side that even his own Faction (The ANC) is ashamed. Allegedly he is the cause for the recent outbreak of  "plaas moorde". Sure it has always been a horrible figure but after him singing the song he claims to be a freedom song, "shoot the boer" it has just gotten out of hand. Peter Mokaba also sang this song in the year 1990 and it was defined as hate speech. Malema made a comment that he also sang this song when he was a little boy and nothing happened then, well I can tell you what is different. Nobody knew your fat ugly face when you were a little boy!!! Well I am sorry to inform you that mister Malema is a big fat burro otherwise known as Big fat ass, donkey, mule, etc. Makes you wonder what his IQ is , doesn't it? All in due time. Now all you have to ask yourself is. Does this look like the marks of a country's youth leader or someone who should be cleaning kitchens for a living? And now for his amazing list of achievements (To long to list on my puny little blog...) I award him with the Official Seal Of Crap. Well at least he passed secondary school when he was 21.As I said... Malema jou leka deng...